Monday, June 6, 2016

Personal Politics

In today's blog I will be discussing and sharing my personal beliefs and ideology concerning politics to you by answering four questions.

Question #1: žAs of today, are you conscious of your political ideology?  If so, what is it?  If not, why not?

Yes I am aware of my political ideology. I have come to align myself with the Marxist ideals of government. I believe that the only way humanity can reach its full potential is through cooperation and not competition. I also believe that the government should provide the basic necessities of living. I look up to the likes of Che Guevara who after seeing his land being robbed of valuable resources by foreign capitalists decided to stand up and fight for the freedom of his homeland. In a way I see the Philippines having the same problem, always being taken advantage of and being manipulated by foreign entities.

Question #2:ž Is there any particular politically marginalized group that elicits your sympathy?  If so, which is/are this/these?

I tend to sympathize with the poor of my country as well as the people who are victims of corruption. When I say victims of corruption I mean those who for example were not given relief supplies in an event of a calamity due to the corrupt politicians "misplacement" of said supplies as well as those who have not been given justice due to the corruption in our courts of law. I feel these people deserve what is rightfully theirs and someone must stand up for them.
Question #3: žAre you conscious of other people exercising power over you?  If so, who are these?  Is this something you accept or resist?

Yes. My mother due to her being my parent has every right to exercise her power over me as well as my older siblings. This is something I accept because it is the way a family works, the parents are the one's who must set the rules while my role as a son is to follow them.

Question #4: Are you conscious of other people whom you are exercising power over?  If so, who are these?  Is this something that you force on them without their consent? Do they resist?

Yes. The other members of my household who are not a part of my family such as the maids and the driver. As a member of the family they follow the tasks I ask them to do, I do not force them to do anything I just merely ask and they happily oblige.

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