Sunday, May 29, 2016

Politics in the Household: What You Can and Can't Control: Profiling and Positionality

Good day! In my first blog I will be showing a series of tables illustrating the various access and control profiles in my household specifically: resource, decision making and benefits and burdens. For each table I will be showing whether or not the members of the household have access or control and at the end I will be sharing my positionality assessment wherein I will be showing whether or not I am in control of certain aspects of my life.
The first table will be for the resources. There are to kinds of resources. Productive resources are use to generate income while reproductive resources are used to conduct household maintenance actiities.

  As you can see in the table above when it comes to the productive resources, my mother has control over every aspect of it while my brother and I only have access. When it comes to the productive resources we all have control over all the items with the exception of my mother with the entertainment units which she usually never uses.

The second table will be showing the decision making in my household, whether or not someone has access which is the ability to participate in the making of the decision of a particular issue or control which is the ability to have the final authority on an issue and the choice of whether or not to include or exclude an individual from participating in the decision
When it comes to decision making on productive activities my mother always has final say on the decision however when it comes to reproductive activities we equally have final say except for when it concerns allowance

The third table will focus on benefits which is positive entitlement which someone enjoys and burdens which is negative factors which one endures. It will be stated if someone has access which means he or she has the ability to enjoy a benefit and be exposed to a burden or control which means to exclude someone from enjoying the benefit and to pass the burden on to someone else

       The last table is a my positionality assessment which shows whether or not I have control over certain aspects and decisions in my life. Subject is žsomeone who has actualized his/her potential power, is in control of the production, reproduction and transformation of his/her identity while an object is someone who has no actualize his/her potential power and is not in control of his/her life.


       As you can see from the graph I have control on almost every aspect of my identity with the exception of my religion due to the fact that my mother is a very devout Roman Catholic