Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Critical Commentary 1: Critical Theories From The West

Since the beginning of the term we have been discussing various theories coming from west. These theories are usually the outcome of a certain circumstance such as Marx's theories arising from the difficult working conditions of the time. While Lukacs argued that capitalism manipulated class consciousness. There is also the rise of feminism due to their increasing role in modern society. Theories from the west always seem to have a large impact on the world as a whole than theories from eastern individuals. 

I personally believe in many western theories but the one theory that always stands out for me has to be Marx's theory. I believe in the kind of world he envisions wherein everybody gets what they deserve "each according to his abilities, each according to his needs" among all the theories taught in Polthe2 so far the theories of Marx has stuck with me the most I sincerely believe in his visions for an ideal society. Another theory that I admire is that of the feminism movements. Though I am not a full supporter of theirs I can't help but admire what they are striving for. I believe that there should be no discrimination based on gender when it comes to things like getting a job or their place in society.

Theories from the west have played a large part in shaping the world into what it is today. Their theories have influenced many aspects of politics today and will continue shaping in in the near future

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