Thursday, June 30, 2016

Critical Commentary 2: Post-Colonialism

 Colonialism has played a big part in the history of the world, as my own country has been a colony I myself know what it feels like to be from a land once ruled over by foreign invaders. To have your own country's history come from an account of a foreigner. To have a society wherein anything from another country is better than local products. A country who's national pride is slowly waning.

 Today the Philippines is a country strongly affected by it's 300 year long occupation from the Spanish empire, whether it be the many wealthy families with Spanish roots or the strong sentiment towards religion the Spaniards have left a lasting impression on my nation. The American's occupation has left an even stronger impact on the Philippines that could still be seen today whether it be the prevalent use of English among Filipinos to the capitalism of the American business giants. These colonizers have affected our culture and society drastically that it has affected our sense of national pride. Due to heavy foreign influences many Filipinos believe that anything foreign is better than our local merchandise that a hollywood movie is better than a local movie and that foreign musical artists are better than local talent and OPM. It is this kind of thinking that has lead to the decline of national pride and love of one's own country.

    It is the lack of love and pride for one's country that hinders us from achieving great thing's as a country. If we could only be proud and love our country we could all strive to make it better together. It is only by respecting our own culture and heritage that the many nations of the world would start respecting us.

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