Thursday, June 30, 2016

Critical Commentary 2: Post-Colonialism

 Colonialism has played a big part in the history of the world, as my own country has been a colony I myself know what it feels like to be from a land once ruled over by foreign invaders. To have your own country's history come from an account of a foreigner. To have a society wherein anything from another country is better than local products. A country who's national pride is slowly waning.

 Today the Philippines is a country strongly affected by it's 300 year long occupation from the Spanish empire, whether it be the many wealthy families with Spanish roots or the strong sentiment towards religion the Spaniards have left a lasting impression on my nation. The American's occupation has left an even stronger impact on the Philippines that could still be seen today whether it be the prevalent use of English among Filipinos to the capitalism of the American business giants. These colonizers have affected our culture and society drastically that it has affected our sense of national pride. Due to heavy foreign influences many Filipinos believe that anything foreign is better than our local merchandise that a hollywood movie is better than a local movie and that foreign musical artists are better than local talent and OPM. It is this kind of thinking that has lead to the decline of national pride and love of one's own country.

    It is the lack of love and pride for one's country that hinders us from achieving great thing's as a country. If we could only be proud and love our country we could all strive to make it better together. It is only by respecting our own culture and heritage that the many nations of the world would start respecting us.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Critical Commentary 1: Critical Theories From The West

Since the beginning of the term we have been discussing various theories coming from west. These theories are usually the outcome of a certain circumstance such as Marx's theories arising from the difficult working conditions of the time. While Lukacs argued that capitalism manipulated class consciousness. There is also the rise of feminism due to their increasing role in modern society. Theories from the west always seem to have a large impact on the world as a whole than theories from eastern individuals. 

I personally believe in many western theories but the one theory that always stands out for me has to be Marx's theory. I believe in the kind of world he envisions wherein everybody gets what they deserve "each according to his abilities, each according to his needs" among all the theories taught in Polthe2 so far the theories of Marx has stuck with me the most I sincerely believe in his visions for an ideal society. Another theory that I admire is that of the feminism movements. Though I am not a full supporter of theirs I can't help but admire what they are striving for. I believe that there should be no discrimination based on gender when it comes to things like getting a job or their place in society.

Theories from the west have played a large part in shaping the world into what it is today. Their theories have influenced many aspects of politics today and will continue shaping in in the near future

Monday, June 20, 2016


In the world we live in today women are now seen as equals. Gone are the days when women were only expected to maintain and nurture the household, now women can take part in providing for the household. However it is still sad to see some individuals still consider male to be the more superior gender. Patriarchal societies who believe men should be the one who provides. There are also sexists who believe that women should not partake in politics or business as it is the realm of men. I personally believe that as long as the individual has the qualifications to do the task, he or she can take the job. In today's society where every resource must be used to it's full capabilities it would be a wasted asset to not use women to their full capabilities

Political Culture

The discussion in class centered around the political culture of the Philippines. We discussed how our political culture has evolved through the years and compared it to our culture several years ago as well as  how different kind of factors affect it from nationalism to our way of life as a society. The political culture of a country is an important foundation, it serves as its identity and gives it its own sense of individuality.


We live in an age we're almost everything is but a click away. Technology is used in our daily lives from cellphones to automobiles. The discussion in my Polthe2 class made me realize how much of an impact technology has had on our society today. Everything has been made easier thanks to these advancements whether it be communicating with loved ones hundreds of miles away or being able to access information with ease. However these advancements have also affected our society negatively. Children nowadays have no idea of the notion of playing a game outside with other kids, instead they stay cooped up in their own world and leave when it is necessary. I personally believe that technology is an essential part of our evolution as a human species and hindering it only means the stalling of future human achievements

Monday, June 6, 2016

Personal Politics

In today's blog I will be discussing and sharing my personal beliefs and ideology concerning politics to you by answering four questions.

Question #1: žAs of today, are you conscious of your political ideology?  If so, what is it?  If not, why not?

Yes I am aware of my political ideology. I have come to align myself with the Marxist ideals of government. I believe that the only way humanity can reach its full potential is through cooperation and not competition. I also believe that the government should provide the basic necessities of living. I look up to the likes of Che Guevara who after seeing his land being robbed of valuable resources by foreign capitalists decided to stand up and fight for the freedom of his homeland. In a way I see the Philippines having the same problem, always being taken advantage of and being manipulated by foreign entities.

Question #2:ž Is there any particular politically marginalized group that elicits your sympathy?  If so, which is/are this/these?

I tend to sympathize with the poor of my country as well as the people who are victims of corruption. When I say victims of corruption I mean those who for example were not given relief supplies in an event of a calamity due to the corrupt politicians "misplacement" of said supplies as well as those who have not been given justice due to the corruption in our courts of law. I feel these people deserve what is rightfully theirs and someone must stand up for them.
Question #3: žAre you conscious of other people exercising power over you?  If so, who are these?  Is this something you accept or resist?

Yes. My mother due to her being my parent has every right to exercise her power over me as well as my older siblings. This is something I accept because it is the way a family works, the parents are the one's who must set the rules while my role as a son is to follow them.

Question #4: Are you conscious of other people whom you are exercising power over?  If so, who are these?  Is this something that you force on them without their consent? Do they resist?

Yes. The other members of my household who are not a part of my family such as the maids and the driver. As a member of the family they follow the tasks I ask them to do, I do not force them to do anything I just merely ask and they happily oblige.